Kimberly McDonald Valentine’s Day Gifts

Kimberly McDonald Valentine’s Day Gifts

Illustrious jewelry architect, Kimberly McDonald, has crafted several pieces this season falling under the theme of love, right on time for our favorite holiday. 

We've asked her who her ideal gift recipients are this Valentine's day-see the three designs below and who we'd love to see wearing these pieces!


These "Love-Me-Knot" knot necklaces would be the perfect gift for Naomi Watts and husband Liev Schreiber to share on Valentine's day (starting from $3,300 to $5,300)


Kimberly's "Home Hearts" could add a romantic touch to the Obama's homespace this Friday. Shown here in amethyst and black. (Starting at $250)




We'd love to see Beyonce and hubby, Jay-Z, in these partner macrame bracelets this holiday.


Images courtesy of Kimberly McDonald